ACES work as consultants for restaurants, bars and nightclubs around Scandinavia.
Restaurant - We have particularly extensive experience to have worked as a restaurant manager and floor manager for 14 years all over the Nordic region with both mainstream and fine dining.
Bar - We have been working as a bar manager on 4 of south Sweden largest places (Amiralen, Luftkastellet, Slagthuset & Malmborgen) and experienced and trained over 450 students for two of the world's most famous bartender schools (European Bartender School and Behind Bar Academy).
Nightclub - Since 1999, we have run several club concept and events at many of southern Sweden's large and small clubs. We have also worked with artist appearances and public relations for several nightclubs.
Together with you, entrepenuers / managers we
have solutions for this:
* Your brand
* Public Relation
* Increased sales
* Reduce costs
* Purchase
* Menus
* Design
* Staff
* Leadership
* Reduction of waste
Together with the staff we educate them:
* Service Mind
* Working techniques
* Sales
* Teamwork
* "Clean as you go"
Anything is possible, contact us for an unconditional dialogue!
Contact us at